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ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
53 jobs match your search.
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République Démocratique du Congo : Volontaire Finance Pays – Kinshasa

Volunteer - Volunteer
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

République Démocratique du Congo : Coordinateur.trice Technique Urgence – Goma

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

République Démocratique du Congo : Responsable de Projet Moyens de Subsistance – Uvira

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Occupied Palestinian Territories: Country Security Manager – Gaza

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Occupied Palestinian Territories : Transparency & Compliance Manager – Jerusalem

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed
Ramallah | Jerusalem

Mali : Responsable Sécurité Pays – Bamako

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Mali : Responsable Finances Pays – Bamako

Level not specified - Level not specified
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Occupied Palestinian Territories : Project Manager – Gaza

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Jordan: Country Finance Volunteer – Amman

Volunteer - Volunteer
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Whole of Syria : Livelihoods & Economic Recovery Technical Coordinator – Amman, Jordan

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Job is closed

Tchad : Coordinateur.trice Technique PSEAH – N’djamena

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Closing 25th of September

Sudan : Area Coordinator – Atbara

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Closing 24th of July

République Démocratique du Congo: Chargé.e de Suivi et Evaluation (MEAL) – Bukavu ou Kalémie

Mid level - Mid level
ACTED - Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Closing 6th of November