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Job vacancies at SteelWatch

A vigilant voice driving climate urgency in steel

The Challenge – The global steel industry has the power to make or break our ability to preserve a liveable climate. This single industry, still reliant on coal, is responsible for 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions and 11% of CO2 emissions. Despite promises to reduce emissions decades from now, the world’s largest steelmakers are moving far too slowly. The sector is simply not on track to contribute to keeping temperature increases under 1.5°C. Investments made today in steelmaking will last for decades, so every choice matters. Now is a time for the greatest ambition.

Our Vision for Change

  • Our vision is a steel industry that underpins a zero-emissions economy and enables the environment, communities and workers to thrive.
  • Our mission is to turbo-charge the transformation to a decarbonised steel sector.
  • Our ambition and target is that steel gets on-track with a 1.5 degree warming trajectory by 2030.

In less than 7 years the sector needs to embark on transformation – incremental improvements are simply not enough. How steel is produced, traded, priced, purchase, used and re-used will all need to change to that people and planet can thrive. This means:

  • Companies reimagine business models and drive future-facing investment. Policy makers are strategic, determined and nimble. Civil society is vibrant, vocal, informed and influential.
  • Decarbonizing steel and the supply chain goes hand in hand with action on air and water pollution, workers’ rights and human rights, ensuring those most affected have power in decisions.
  • Coal moves from centre stage in steel-making to a thing of the past.