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Job vacancies at JuST Institute - Just Sustainable Transitions Institute

We are a social business, we are independent, we are operational. The Just Sustainable Transitions Institute (JuST Institute) is a member-based, non-for-profit organisation that catalyses market development towards Climate, Biodiversity, Inclusive Finance. It produces state of the art methods and provides Products & Services to mainstream investments & capacity building to facilitate and enable actions of all stakeholders for the benefit of people and the planet!

We mainstream financing of climate resilience and biodiversity conservation for small scale farmers and rural communities, supporting the development and functioning of sound delivery channels to provide finance for green practices and technologies. Through a transformative approach, we aim to do not leave anyone behind and foster the just transition for the sector transition. We build bridges between public and private sector, as well as between conventional finance and inclusive finance.

 We support solutions for the full financing chains up to larger corporate and aggregators level. We target material, sustainable and lasting improvements for small scale farmers & rural communities, rural value chains, off-takers, small medium enterprises, and the ecosystems. We work with “enablers” to outreach and provide transformative support to Inclusive Financial Services Providers, sustainable finance value chains, 2nd tier lenders. We co-develop, co-implement and collaborate with members and partners: commercial banks, corporates, insurances, inclusive finance & impact investors, international & public agencies, and others.