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Job vacancies at IUSY - International Union of Socialist Youth

The International Union of Socialist Youth

..the biggest political youth organization in the world, representing about 136 member organizations from more than 100 countries

…the Youth of the Socialist International that brings together the socialist, social democratic and labour political youth organizations from around the world

… an umbrella organization that that brings together the socialist, social democratic and labour political youth organizations from around the world

…an international youth NGO with consultative status at the UN ECOSOC

…actively fighting for change all over the world for over 100 years now – founded in 1907, and re-organized after the Second World War in 1946

The main fields of IUSY’s work are Democracy, Human Rights and Youth Policy from the perspective of Freedom, Solidarity and Equality. Every year IUSY organizes meetings, seminars, trainings, study visits and world festivals for young political leaders and activists.


IUSY fights for…

Freedom and human rights – so that every individual can have equal opportunities and full political rights without being discriminated against on the basis of class, caste, gender, religion, sexual orientation or race.

Social justice and democracy – to ensure participation for all citizens based on the principles of freedom and equality, against authoritarianism, populism and dictatorship; for the right to self-determination, to liberty, and freedom of expression of all peoples.

Universal solidarity – because we believe in the possibility of collective action for the liberation of individuals.

Political solutions to problems – because we believe in the ability of human beings to change the world through non-violent means.


IUSY works…

For strengthening its member organizations IUSY provides a broad network and facilitates educational workshops and trainings aimed at increasing their capacity to fight for political change in their respective societies.

As an international Non-Governmental Youth Organization (NGYO) and part of the international Youth Civil Society IUSY actively engages in international institutions (Council of Europe, United Nations, Socialist International, European Youth Forum, etc.) directly targeting policy makers and media representatives at this global level and advocating for equal opportunities and the right to social and political participation for youth all over the world.

For engaging activists from the grassroots level in the international political debate and policy development IUSY organizes international conferences and supports international political campaigns and initiatives on a regional and global level.

The activities of IUSY are coordinated on two levels – regionally and globally. The regional coordination involves elaboration of issues of common concern within the region and development of internal and public activities for the promotion of our solutions and policy proposals. Naturally, the structure and global environment of our organization allows us to treat many of the issues in a transversal and inter-regional manner – through cooperation and coordination between different regions in order to realize joint activities and take part in global activities.


IUSY builds on…

The Member Organizations – IUSY is founded in order to serve its Member Organizations by building even stronger solidarity among all young socialists and social democrats in the world, thus making cooperation, common mobilization and success for socialism and social democracy possible.

The IUSY Congress, is the highest decision making body. It elects the President, the Secretary General, the Presidium and the Control Commission. IUSY Congress and IUSY Council take place every second year on an alternating basis.

IUSY has a global Presidium comprised of the President, the Secretary General and 20 Vice Presidents.

The IUSY World Festival brings together thousands of activists and is arranged approximately every second or third year.

IUSY has Regional Committees in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean that meet once per year. Within Europe, there are two sub-regional committees for the Balkan Round Table and the Black See Area.

IUSY has two permanent Working Groups: Feminism and LGBT – Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual.

The IUSY Secretariat, led by the Secretary General, organizes all activities, is responsible for finances, communication and runs the daily work of the organization.

IUSY’s working languages are English, Spanish and French.


IUSY cooperates with …

IUSY as a political party youth international cooperates with all workers movements and all progressive organizations in the world.

IUSY as an international youth NGO is also very active within the global youth movement and is active and represented within many youth international bodies.

IUSY also cooperates with many international institutions in order to do advocacy but also to cooperate on projects and activities carried out by IUSY and to get support for its daily work.