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Job vacancies at URG - Universal Rights Group

The Universal Rights Group (URG) is a small, independent think-tank dedicated to analysing and strengthening global human rights policy. It is the only such institution in Geneva and the only think tank in the world focused exclusively on human rights.

The goal of the organisation is to support and strengthen policy-making and policy-implementation in the international human rights system by providing rigorous yet accessible, timely and policy-relevant research, analysis and recommendations. It provides a forum for discussion and debate on important human rights issues facing the international community and a window onto the work of the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms – a window designed to promote transparency, accountability, awareness and effectiveness.

A key aspect of this goal is to make the international human rights system more accessible to, and bring it into closer orbit with policy-makers and other stakeholders – including the victims of human rights violations and human rights defenders – at regional, national and local levels.

The Group looks to support and strenghten policy-making in three main ways:

  1. Through the provision of independent, respected and policy-relevant research, analysis and recommendations.
  2. By providing a non-political and informal platform for dialogue, information-sharing and cooperation on pressing human rights concerns.
  3. By promoting knowledge, understanding and awareness at regional, national and grassroots levels, so as to empower individuals and groups to better engage with the international human rights system and to drive change.