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Food Security and Livelihoods Team Leader Ethiopia Assosa

Addis Ababa

  • Organization: NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Location: Addis Ababa
  • Grade: Junior level - Junior
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Security and Safety
    • Nutrition
    • Food Security, Livestock and Livelihoods
    • Managerial positions
  • Closing Date: Closed

  1. Role and responsibilities

The purpose of a Team Leader is to manage a project team at field office level. The programme has so far consisted of cash transfer support to People affected by displacement, training on agronomic practices, provision of agricultural inputs, creating income-earning opportunities (savings systems and support to small-scale businesses) as well as market and value chain assessments, Providing innovative alternative livelihoods options through on and off-farm strategies in order to diversify income sources contribute to resilience and durable solutions. Support smallholder farmers to boost crop and livestock productivity through a specialized resilience design approach complemented by improved access to agricultural inputs (seeds, tools, livestock support etc.).

Generic responsibilities (max 10)

These responsibilities shall be the same for all positions with the same title. The responsibilities shall be short and essential. Details belong in the Work- and Professional Development Plan.

  • Management of project staff
  • Implement plan of action for delegated portfolio of projects (activities, budget and project documentation)
  • Day to day follow of progress in project implementation
  • Ensure compliance with NRC policies, tools, handbooks and guidelines
  • Ensure that projects target beneficiaries most in need, and explore and asses new and better ways to assist
  • Promote and share ideas for technical improvement
  • Prepare periodic progress reports and other documents
  • Ensure capacity building of project staff and transfer key skills
  • Liaison and collaborate with relevant local authorities and stakeholders
  • Promote the rights of IDPs/returnees in line with the advocacy strategy

Specific responsibilities

These responsibilities shall be adapted to the particularities of the job location and context, phase of operation, strategic focus and type of programme intervention. This section shall be revised whenever a new employee is hired or the context changes significantly.

  • Design and implement context specific and appropriate agronomic techniques and support that are nutritionally and environmentally sensitive and ensure quality high yields.
  • Design and implement appropriate Livelihood Provisioning, Livelihood Protection and Livelihood Promotion strategies for IDPs, refugee and host communities.
  • Submit annually, monthly, mid-term and weekly update report to line manager.    
  • Design and implement cash basis interventions (Voucher and Cash)
  • Ensure compliant receiving and feedback mechanisms are in place to ensure accountability
  • Conduct and contribute for periodically conducted Post Distribution Monitoring (PDMs), Post Planting Surveys (PPS) and Post-Harvest Survey (PHS) to ascertain utilizations of inputs and yields (proportion consumed and sold).
  • Ensure quality management and compliance with standards during project implementation
  • Participate in labor market assessment and commodity specific agricultural value chain Analysis.
  • Provide technical advice, backstopping and training on off-farm and on-farm income generating activities, Business Development Service, Business Group Conflict Resolution mechanisms and other livelihoods related programs to Eritrean Refugees and Hosting Communities.  
  • Ensure that NRC’s objectives are disseminated among the communities and raise their awareness on NRCs approaches, policies and procedures applied in project implementation
  • Ensure the involvement of community based organizations/associations and community leaders in identifying target groups for NRC Food Security and Livelihoods activities in the IDP centers and refugee camps and adjacent host community areas.
  • Devote to empower the IDP, refugee and hosting communities to enable them manage their interventions to sustain Food Security and Livelihoods Project achievements.
  • Ensure equal participation by all segments of the refugee and hosting communities, taking into consideration issues regarding gender, age, disability and clan affiliation.
  • Regularly monitor and evaluation livelihoods and food security Projects performance and provide timely inputs, feedback and impact of the project interventions.
  • Build strong relationships with relevant government bodies Zonal Administration), donors and other partners.
  • Play an important role in realization of project outputs and outcomes through timely implementation of activities in a well-planned, organized and coordinated manner.
  • Provide training and technical support for staffs, stakeholders and beneficiaries
  • Ensure LFS beneficiaries are self-employed in different IGA activities through standardized start-up kits and Cash grant supports couple with market linkages, employment creation opportunities through private sector engagement, market center management to attain the intended objectives
  • In consultation and under direct supervision of Food Security and Livelihoods Project coordinator develop and implement surveys and needs assessment in refugee and host community areas.

Critical interfaces

By interfaces, NRC means processes and projects that are interlinked with other departments/units or persons. Relevant interfaces for this position are:

  • Strategy and project planning: Education, Shelter, Child protection, ICLA, finance and logistics coordinator and officer.
  • Area operations: Camp based support and programme staff
  • Staff capacity building:  Project Specialists, HR Development Officer
  • Implementation: Project Staff in the camps

Scale and scope of position


Numbers and titles of staff directly managed by the postholder, and numbers of staff and daily workers/incentive staff responsible for overall in the unit (e.g. 3 project officers)


Key external stakeholders the post has relationships with (e.g. UN agencies, INGOs, local NGOs, civil society, governmental bodies, refugee central committee)




Responsible for managing his/her programme in IDPs, Refugee camps and host community intervention.

This vacancy is now closed.