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Technical Assistant International for National HIV/AIDS Control (TA)


  • Organization: WHO - World Health Organization
  • Location: Freetown
  • Grade: Administrative support - Administrative Services and Support - Generally no need for Higher Education
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Administrative support
    • HIV and AIDS
  • Closing Date: Closed

Purpose of the Post:

To provide technical support to the NACP/MoHS, the National AIDS Secretariat and other stakeholders in Sierra Leone to strengthen the Health Sector Response to HIV in order to reduce new infections, reduce AIDS-related deaths and eliminate HIV related stigma & discrimination to reach ambitious national targets as stipulated in the National Strategic Plan (NSP) on HIV and AIDS 2021-2025. To support adaptive strategies to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV prevention and control and to meet the Global Fund targets.

Objectives of the Programme and of the immediate unit or field activity (Overview of the programme):

HIV prevention and care is considered part of the Sierra Leone Basic Package of Essential Health Services, (BPEHS), and ATM is one of several portfolios of the BPEHS Cluster at the WHO Country Office. The overall objective of the national HIV prevention and control efforts is to reduce new infections, ensure that 90% of people living with HIV know their status, 90% are on treatment, and 90% of those on treatment attain viral suppression – UNAIDS 90-90-90 – as part of the global efforts to ‘END AIDS’ by 2030. For Sierra Leone, this will mean having a strong national Health Sector Response at the core of the multi-sectoral response; and taking HIV out of isolation by ensuring that HIV is part and parcel of the national Health Sector recovery efforts and building resilient and sustainable health systems which are HIV sensitive.

Organizational Context (Describe the work environment; the role of the individual within the team – team member, specialist, adviser, facilitator, coordinator/manager, representative, expert, authority in the field, etc.; available guidelines and degree of independence in decision making; and nature and purpose of contact within and outside the Organization):

The incumbent is responsible for supporting the NACP/MoHS of Sierra Leone, NAS and partners to support the development and implementation of the National Health Sector Response and contribution to 95-95-95 and the Ending AIDS.
There are immediate opportunities to accelerating the Health Sector Response to HIV in Sierra Leone: through close collaboration with other priority programmes and entities of the MoHS – in particular HSS, RMNCAH, NTLCP; and through funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, and other large donor-funded programmes. The Consultant (HIV) will ensure the effective consideration and inclusion of HIV interventions in this broader dialogue and relevant strategies to ensure they are HIV sensitive. Sierra Leone has also recently revised several HIV-specific and related guidelines and adapted newer and innovative approaches to HIV programming. These include differentiated service delivery models of care, viral load monitoring for patients on ARV, and promising practices in programming for key populations, including sex workers, MSM and PWIDs. The incumbent will provide support to ensure that all above approaches are successfully implemented and documented, including as supported through financing from the Global Fund. The risks associated with the protracted COVID-19 pandemic should be anticipated and mitigated to the extent possible
She/he will closely interact with Government and HIV partners to streamline and coordinate the work related to the normative, programming and operational functions related to HIV Treatment care and support.

Summary of Assigned Duties (Describe what the incumbent has to do to achieve main objectives; include main achievements expected):

Under the direct supervision of the WHO country representative, the incumbent will contribute to expand the implementation of the End AIDS strategy and strengthen the HIV response by applying effective strategies and policies, including those related to co-infection and second-line ART; increasing the involvement of communities, health-care providers, non-governmental organizations and corporate partners and DHMTs through increased country support and strong partnerships; strengthening surveillance, monitoring and evaluation.
Strategic & Operational Planning and Program Management
- Support the Programme Manager in coordinating all HIV health sector response activities in the country in close coordination with NAS and the broader multi-sectoral HIV response, taking into account the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts
- Support HIV coordination platforms (TWGs).
- Assist the NACP with preparing strategies, annual work plans, quarterly and semester reports and other ad hoc reports on the state of scaling-up and performance of HIV services.
- Provide technical support for conducting annual performance reviews and learning meetings/workshops.
- Support the Programme Manager to periodically review and align program expenditure to resolve rate limiting bottlenecks
- Flag programmatic gaps and address them with team members.
- Develop implementation strategies, including innovative strategies that accelerate the country’s progress towards 95-95-95.
- Recommend and support policy and SOP changes in line with new global best practices/recommendations and support their implementation.
- Ensure integration of quality systems into all aspects of the HIV program.
- Lead and support effective HIV/TB collaborative activities.
- Lead and support the identification of gaps and opportunities for improved integration of HIVs, TB, RMNCAH and community health initiatives and recommend strategies for better integration of services
- Support resource mobilization, grant management and the effective and efficient use of financial resources, help resolve bottlenecks to meeting performance targets, including but not limited to GF and other donor resources
Systems Strengthening and Capacity Building
- Provide technical support for HIV prevention, treatment and care while building the capacity of NACP staff.
- In line with WHO and national treatment, guidelines propose appropriate treatment regimens and systems for effective monitoring of treatment, resistance and treatment failure.
- Facilitate the implementation of the new consolidated treatment guidelines.
- Review, standardize optimized treatment protocols and SOPs for service delivery in health facilities and drop-in centres.
- Propose strategies for effective engagement of PLHIVs and TB Community-led organizations in counselling, referrals, adherence, retention in care, lost to follow-up, palliative care and support activities.
- Support the implementation and roll-out of differentiated service delivery models.
- Review the NACP’s supervision and mentorship program, including updating the supervision and mentorship checklist.
- Provide clinical mentorship for ART providers and facilitate learning among providers.
- Provide a broad overview of the laboratory situation in the country and its impact on the HIV treatment programme, highlighting opportunities for making HIV testing, EID, viral load and other HIV related lab services more accessible to people infected or affected by HIV.
- Identify and help resolve critical gaps for quantification, procurement and supply change management and improved quantification of commodities for appropriate targets for HIV testing and treatment programmes.
Support Data, Analytics & Operations Research
- Provide strategic and technical support on assessing the epidemiological and programmatic situation through analyzing programmatic, consumption and surveillance data, as well as triangulation of data sets in order to ensure, at all times, a good understanding of the HIV situation at national and sub-national levels.
- Support strengthening of the data collection & visualization systems and build capacity on analysis and use of data on HIV services including LMIS data.
- Support coordinators to provide quarterly cascade analysis to be shared with MOHS and program managers while supporting the use of national HIV data for decision making.
- Facilitate the development of a prioritized operations research plan in HIV prevention, treatment and care, and develop the capacity of the NACP in designing, implementing, evaluating, writing and disseminating operations research findings.
- Support relevant junior staff in developing and conducting small/short research work.


Competencie :

1. Producing results
2. Teamwork
3. Communication
4. Ensuring effective use of resources
5. Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond

Functional Skills and Knowledge (Describe skills and knowledge specific to the post):

Extensive knowledge and experience in HIV prevention and control programming and implementation. Proven experience in HIV programme management at the country level. Knowledge of health systems management and strategic planning at the national level. Ability to develop and facilitate the development of HIV guidelines and effectively monitor progress in the use of guidelines. Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to cooperate and negotiate with technical and funding agencies and establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff at all levels. Experience with Global Fund proposal development, grant making and implementation processes. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Ability to write and communicate clearly.

Education (Qualifications):

Essential: Medical Degree from a recognized university with postgraduate degree or equivalent in public health or epidemiology or related field.

Essential: At least 7 years of experience in HIV and TB/HIV control at national and/or /subnational level in developing countries. Practical experience in programme review and strategic plan development.

Desirable: At least 5 years international experience in working with UN and/or international NGOs, bilateral and multilateral agencies
Familiarity with Global Fund Policies & Procedures
Clinical experience in HIV treatment and care, including paediatric care and treatment
Experience with key populations programming, TB programmes and health systems strengthening approaches

Expert knowledge of English

Other Skills (e.g. IT): Proficiency in standard MS Office applications. Presentation skills.

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