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Capacity Development Expert for resilience project in Ukraine

Stockholm | Kiev

  • Organization: MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap
  • Location: Stockholm | Kiev
  • Grade: Senior level - Senior - Only open for Swedish residents and/or nationals
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
    • Environment
    • Education, Learning and Training
    • Disaster Management (Preparedness, Resilience, Response and Recovery)
    • Project and Programme Management
  • Closing Date: 2024-11-04

Capacity Development Expert for resilience project in Ukraine


The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisations for example the UN and the EU in crisis, conflicts or other disasters.

MSB is looking for a Capacity Development Expert for one of the project components focusing on developing a long- term partnership with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU), acting as the main civil protection agency in Ukraine. Initial identified areas for collaboration lie within support to development of the rescue service with a specific focus on CBRN capabilities and efforts to further align interoperability and capabilities with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) standards (Ukraine participating state since spring 2023).

This is a fixed-term, part-time position during the projects inception phase (start ASAP until the end of february 2025) with an estimated working period of 60 days (can be adjusted slightly). The duty station is Kiev, Ukraine. For residents in Sweden or if Swedish work permit is obtained, it may be possible to work from Sweden to some extent.

Introduction swedish

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) rekryterar dagligen engagerade och kompetenta experter till våra nationella, internationella, humanitära och resiliens- och fredsfrämjande insatser. Vi har stor erfarenhet av att arbeta tillsammans och stärka andra organisationer som t.ex. andra civilskyddsmyndigheter vid kriser, konflikter eller andra katastrofer. MSB har aktivt stöttat ukrainska och andra parter med expertis, kapacitetsutveckling och material redan före Rysslands fullskaliga invasion av landet. MSB planerar nu för ett flerårigt samarbete för kapacitetsutveckling i linje med svenska prioriteringar som syftar till att öka Ukrainas motståndskraft och förmåga att minska och hantera konsekvenserna av kriser och krig. MSB söker nu en Capacity Development Expert till en del av projektet med fokus på att utveckla ett långsiktigt partnerskap med Ukrainas räddningstjänst (SESU), som hanterar merparten av räddningstjänsten i Ukraina. De samarbetsområden vi initialt identifierat gäller stöd till utveckling av räddningstjänst med särskilt fokus på CBRN-kapacitet, samt insatser för att ytterligare anpassa synergier och kapacitet till EU:s civilskyddsmekanism (Ukraina har deltagandestatus sedan våren 2023).

Tjänsten är en visstidsanställning på deltid under projektets inledningsfas (start så snart som möjligt och fram till slutet av februari 2025), med en beräknad arbetsperiod på 60 dagar (kan justeras något). Tjänstgöringsort är Kiev, Ukraina. För boende i Sverige eller för personer med svenskt arbetstillstånd kan möjlighet finnas att till viss del arbeta från Sverige.


The Capacity Development Expert plays a key role for the development of the project’s implementation plan during the inception phase with specific focus on carrying out a capacity analysis. The analysis should recognise the multi dimensions of capacity such as processual, technical and contextual and individual/organisation/enabling environment and be carried out in an integrated approach. The main objectives of the capacity analysis are to:

• Identify current capacity (existing and latent) and desired capacity within SESU
• Identify how change happens, preconditions for capacity development/change; identify any ongoing or planned processes adjacent to the project.
• Establish a baseline for the project
• Inform the project’s implementation plan, validated in relation to SESU’s priorities

Expected work assignments are:

• Develop a ToR for the capacity analysis (design, methodology and workplan) jointly with MSB, to be agreed with SESU
• Conduct the capacity analysis including:
• Planning and preparations; Gathering of data (primary and secondary sources);
• Interpretation, analyses and assessment (recommendations)
• Plan and implement a validation process, jointly with the project’s Team Leader
• Write a draft and final report
• Support the development of the project’s implementation plan
• Support the establishment of a baseline by analysing existing and complementary data
• Contribute to the development of result framework and M&E plan
• Contribute to stakeholder and initiatives mapping
• Provide professional advice, strategic analysis and information on project needs & capabilities to the Team leader and MSB headquarters



- Work experience in capacity development/ capacity assessment/organisational assessment
- Experience of capacity development projects
- Proven knowledge DRM/Civil protection
- Proven experience in data gathering methods
- Understanding of integrating of cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality, human rights and environmental perspectives into capacity assessment and programme design/planning


- Work experience in the fields of disaster risk management, civil protection
- Technical knowledge in the fields of UCPM, CBRN and/or capability development
- Working experience in Ukraine or the nearby region
- Knowledge of change management tools and experience from supporting change processes


- Minimum a Bachelor degree in Social Sciences, disaster risk management or another relevant area.
- Training and/or courses preparing for work and living in in high risk environments.
- Specific courses in organisational development and change management studies is an asset.

Driving license class B is mandatory.


• Proficiency written and spoken English is a mandatory requirement.
• Ukrainian and/or Russian is desirable.

Other requirements

We are looking for persons with a strong commitment towards international cooperations. It is of utmost priority that you understand, respect and act in the spirit of the mandate and core values of the MSB. Before a registration on MSB's roster, you need to fill in a self-assessed health declaration. If recruited for an international mission, you also need to undergo a health examination before departure. You must inform your regular employer of your potential assignment with the MSB. MSB operations are based on the needs of populations affected by crisis, and human equality. Through my behaviour and work as MSB field staff, I actively strive to prevent discrimination and harassment based on sex, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

Schengen visa is a prerequisite for being considered for the position.


- You have strong communicative and interpersonal skills, ability to act with tact and diplomacy, open-minded approach, and respect towards cultural differences.
- You have the ability to work independently and as a part of a team, also under stressful circumstances
- You have strong analytical skills as well as practical “hands-on” approach to addressing tasks.

We place great emphasis on personal qualities and suitability in this recruitment process.

Contractual conditions

Working with the MSB on international operations means that you are temporarily employed by the MSB. The MSB pays salary as well as a comprehensive allowances and benefits package to field staff on international operations, ranging from free home leave travel to access to psychosocial support. In addition, participants on induction training and relevant specialist training courses receive remuneration from the MSB. If selected for this position an evaluation will be done after the mission. The evaluation can result in an offer to be registered on the MSB roster. When you are registered on the MSB roster you can continuously receive interesting international job opportunities and invitations to stimulating and valuable trainings and exercises. A registration on MSB roster is valid for three years. After this period your registration will be evaluated and you may be offered an extended registration. After being registered on the roster you need to conduct the MSB induction training and any specialist training courses required. You’ll be employed one year at a time and before an extension of your employment we will perform an evaluation between Project Management, HR and you.

HOW TO APPLY: MSB applies a policy of equal opportunities to avoid any form of discrimination. We strive for gender balance and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. If you wish to apply for the position please press the apply button and register your details on MyPages. Please note, the information provided on MyPages will form the basis for your CV. After registering on MyPages do not forget to apply for the position by submitting your application through MyPages. As applicant, it is your responsibility to document our skills in a way that allows an objective and qualitative assessment. MSB is a government agency subject to the principle of public access to official records. This means that if someone requests copies of application documents, we are obliged to disclose them. Please note that applications will be continuously reviewed when received up until the application deadline. Therefore, we encourage all candidates to submit their application as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact HR Officer: Amanda Jansson, phone +46 10 240 5446 or e-mail:

Do not wait to submit your application, we will be interviewing continously throughout the application period.

We are looking forward to your application!

Application deadline


Point of contact

Amanda Jansson
We do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization's page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.
Before applying, please make sure that you have read the requirements for the position and that you qualify.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.