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Consulting services to develop an operational manual or guide with methodologies for assisting vulnerable adolescents, with focus on gender, age, and diversity at Casa Joven Program, from the Social Welfare Secretariat.

Villa Nueva | Guatemala City

  • Organization: UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Location: Villa Nueva | Guatemala City
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Youth
    • Operations and Administrations
    • Human Resources
    • Women's Empowerment and Gender Mainstreaming
    • Children's rights (health and protection)
    • Project and Programme Management
    • Documentation and Information Management
  • Closing Date: 2024-11-01

Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)

A (least hardship)

Family Type (not applicable for home-based)


Staff Member / Affiliate Type

CONS Local

Target Start Date


Deadline for Applications

November 1, 2024

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for Individual Contracts
(Individual Contractors, Consultants and Fellows)
(This work assignment description forms an integral part of the individual contract)

Requesting office (hiring office): Field Office, Guatemala (FOGUA)

Title of project:
Consulting services to develop an operational manual or guide with methodologies for assisting vulnerable adolescents, with focus on gender, age, and diversity at Casa Joven Program, from the Social Welfare Secretariat.

Purpose of project (summary):
This project aims to develop an operational manual with methodologies to support vulnerable adolescents at Casa Joven, integrating a gender, age, and diversity perspective. The guide will enhance psychosocial care in Casa Joven Program of the Social Welfare Secretariat in Guatemala by creating methodologies, workshops, and tools that strengthen a differentiated care approach. It addresses issues such as forced migration, early unions, and gang recruitment, ensuring comprehensive care and protection. The manual will be replicable across all five Casa Joven centres, providing a consistent and improved approach throughout the program.


1. Contract type:

Individual Consultant: 1
(An expert who is a recognized authority or specialist in a specific field area engaged by UNHCR under an individual contract in an advisory or consultative capacity)
2. Engagement via Partnership: No
3. Engagement type: Lump-Sum
(Contractor works on a well-defined product against an agreed lump-sum price)

Proposed instalment schedule:

First Payment: 10%
Condition: Delivery of the work plan, including methodology, timeline, and validation by the project management team.
Estimated Delivery Date: 1 month after the start of the consultancy.

Second Payment: 20%
Condition: Delivery of the draft manual/guide with methodologies for the care of vulnerable adolescents and youth, focused on soft skills for employability.
Estimated Delivery Date: 6 weeks after the start of the consultancy.
Note: Includes a progress report and feedback.

Third Payment: 20%
Condition: Completion of training workshops for Casa Joven staff on the new methodologies, and submission of the training materials.
Estimated Delivery Date: During the third month of the consultancy.

Fourth Payment: 20%
Condition: Completion of workshops with youth beneficiaries of Casa Joven, focusing on strengthening soft skills for employability. Submission of workshop materials and corresponding reports.
Estimated Delivery Date: End of the third month.

Final Payment: 30%
Condition: Submission of the final consultancy report, including systematization of the process, verification materials, and presentation of results.
Estimated Delivery Date: At the conclusion of the consultancy of February.

6. Total budgetary amount allocated for individual contract including fees, travel, DSA, any other costs (indicate currency) (for NIL/NIL type 'Not applicable'): $ 7,380.07
7. Duration and dates of the contract:
From: ASAP To: February 2025
8. Position Location (duty station): Guatemala, Department Guatemala. This consultancy will primarily conduct interventions in the municipalities of Amatitlan, Villa Nueva, and Guatemala City.


9. General Background of Project or Assignment, Operational Context:
Casa Joven is a program under the Social Welfare Secretariat of Guatemala, established through Governmental Agreement 101-2015, aimed at providing protection and care to children, adolescents, youth, and their families. Its goal is to create safe spaces in communities with high social risk, offering comprehensive and personalized interventions to foster a safer environment and provide positive alternatives for young people.

The Casa Joven program operates five centers, created as part of the Social Welfare Secretariat’s strategies to offer preventive, comprehensive, and personalized care to children, adolescents, youth, and their families. The program primarily serves individuals from communities facing high levels of violence, poverty, and insecurity, helping young people adapt to their family and social environments through psychosocial care, entrepreneurship, and education.

Its methodology focuses on providing comprehensive care to at-risk individuals through two main approaches: a) personalized psychological and social support, and b) facilitating educational and vocational opportunities for their life projects. This approach integrates psychological care, vocational training, and community service.

The program’s interventions also aim to prevent migration and forced displacement, reduce early unions, and curb gang recruitment, acting as a support network for the adolescents and youth involved in the program.

Since its inception, the Casa Joven program has developed experiences and learning processes to plan, organize, and implement actions that offer protection and care alternatives, restoring the rights of vulnerable adolescents and youth and ensuring they enjoy a dignified life. However, to enhance current efforts and improve outcomes, there is a need to hire an individual consultant or consulting firm to develop a manual or guide with methodologies that strengthen the differentiated approach for vulnerable adolescents and youth, incorporating a gender, age, and diversity perspective. This guide will be piloted at Casa Joven Amatitlán and will be replicable across all five centers.

Given the diversity of contexts and profiles served, the existing care protocols need reinforcement within a strategic care framework. It has been identified that a sustainability and support tool is necessary to guide actions with a gender, age, and diversity approach. This tool will address the needs of adolescents and youth in vulnerable situations, including those affected by internal displacement.

10. Occupational Safety and Health Considerations
To view occupational safety and health considerations for specific duty stations, please visit this link:
Specific Occupational Safety and Health Considerations to this assignment (if applicable):

11. Purpose and Scope of Assignment:
The objective of this consultancy is to develop a guide or manual with methodologies that incorporate a gender, age, and diversity perspective for the psychosocial care of vulnerable adolescents and youth within the Casa Joven Program. This manual will enhance the care provided at Casa Joven centers and ensure its consistent application across all five centers.

1. Develop a work plan outlining the methodology and timeline for the consultancy, including the validation process with the project management team.
Output: Work plan document
Delivery Date: One week after the consultancy has started.

2. Create a guide/manual with psychosocial care methodologies for vulnerable adolescents, incorporating a gender, age, and diversity perspective.
Output: Completed guide or manual
Delivery Date: Three months after the consultancy has started, with monthly progress reports submitted for feedback.
Impact Indicator: Improved care for vulnerable youth, measured through feedback from program staff and beneficiaries post-implementation.

3. Lead technical working group meetings focused on the care of children and adolescents, ensuring alignment with project objectives.
Output: Minutes and reports from working group meetings
Delivery Date: October and November 2024
Performance Indicator: Meeting reports demonstrate collaboration and progress on implementation of new methodologies.

4. Conduct at least five training sessions for Casa Joven staff to ensure the consistent implementation of new methodologies across all centers. Begin with preliminary workshops to assess the baseline, followed by subsequent workshops focused on training staff in the new methodologies and validating their effective application.
Output: Training materials and session reports
Delivery Date: Dates will be agreed upon, with an estimate to conduct the sessions during October, November 2024, and January, February 2025.
Impact Indicator: Increased staff capacity, evaluated through pre- and post-training assessments.

5. Provide advisory support to strengthen the collaboration teams’ capacities, ensuring a gender, age, and diversity approach is integrated into the Program.
Output: Advisory reports and feedback documentation
Delivery Date: Monthly, according to the schedule with Casa Joven.
Performance Indicator: Timely advisory support, tracked by the number of consultations and feedback from teams.

6. Conduct at least five workshops with youth from the Casa Joven Program to raise awareness on gender, age, and diversity perspectives.
Output: Workshop materials, attendance lists and feedback.
Delivery Date: They will be conducted throughout the work period between October and January.
Impact Indicator: Youth engagement, measured through attendance and feedback surveys.

7. Systematize the process of creating the guide/manual, including all validation steps.
Output: Systematization report
Delivery Date: Monthly and final report on February

8. Submit periodic reports to the competent authorities on progress, workshop outcomes, and meeting agreements.
Output: Periodic progress reports
Delivery Date: Follow-up meetings will be held every 15 days, and progress reports will be submitted on the last day of each month.
Performance Indicator: Timeliness of reports and compliance with agreed milestones.

9. Submit a final consultancy report summarizing the process and presenting the results of the consultancy.
Output: Final report, including all verification materials
Delivery Date: Second week on February 2025
Performance Indicator: Report quality and comprehensiveness, as evaluated by stakeholders.

Measurable Outputs:
• Work plan outlining methodology and timeline.
• Guide/manual incorporating gender, age, and diversity perspectives
• Five staff training sessions and associated materials
• Five youth workshops with supporting materials
• Systematization report
• Periodic and final consultancy reports

Impact Indicators:
• Enhanced psychosocial care approach for vulnerable youth, reflected in feedback and evaluations post-training and post-implementation.
• Consistent application of the methodologies across all five Casa Joven centers, measured through staff and beneficiary surveys.

Performance Indicators:
Timeliness of deliverables (reports, workshops, and training sessions)
Quality of the guide/manual as assessed by project stakeholders
Value of service rendered, reflected in cost-effectiveness and impact of the methodologies developed.

1. Guide or manual with methodologies incorporating a gender, age, and diversity perspective for the psychosocial care of vulnerable adolescents and youth.
2. Design and development of 5 workshops for staff to build skills in the new methodologies.
3. Design and development of 5 workshops for the youth beneficiaries of Casa Joven to build skills in the new methodologies.
4. Systematization of the process of creating the guide or manual.
5. Final consultancy report (including verification materials) and presentation of results.

-UNHCR and its collaborators are not responsible for any faults, accidents, payment of fees, or any other situation related to the work performed by the contracted consultant within the scope of the Project.
-All information and documents generated from this consultancy will be the intellectual property of the Social Welfare Secretariat of the Presidency.
-The produced materials must include the logo and credits of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
-The duration of the contract is five months.


12. Required qualifications, language(s) and work experience:
Degree: Required
Bachelor's degree in one of the following areas is desirable: social and humanistic sciences, economics or related areas, preferably with experience in pedagogical methods of care and employability.

13. Minimum years of work experience (NOTE: candidates with less years of experience cannot be short-listed or recommended): Minimum of 2 years of experience working in development projects, with emphasis on gender equality, age and diversity, and pedagogical methods for addressing vulnerability.

Language: Required: Spanish Required: English

In the context of the consultancy for the development of a methodological guide for Casa Joven, it is important to highlight that the work is focused on local communities and operational teams whose primary language is Spanish. The following points justify that the use of English is not necessary for the success of the consultancy:

-Local Context: The work will be carried out in Guatemala, at the Casa Joven centers, where the language of daily communication and operations is Spanish. Both the directors and educators, as well as the beneficiaries (adolescents and youth), predominantly speak Spanish, making the use of English unnecessary for daily activities.

- Field Interventions: The methodologies, tools, and activities (such as interviews, surveys, and workshops) will be oriented toward the local realities of the adolescents and youth served by Casa Joven, whose interactions and communication will be exclusively in Spanish. This includes training sessions for the staff and workshops with the youth.

-Documentation and Products: The expected deliverables, such as the manual or methodological guide, must be accessible and understandable to the program staff and beneficiaries, who operate in an environment where the official and daily language is Spanish. The use of English for these documents is not required, as their purpose is to strengthen local capacities.

-Inter-institutional Collaboration: Meetings and coordination with the Social Welfare Secretariat, Casa Joven technical teams, and other involved institutions will be conducted in Spanish, as it is the common language among key stakeholders. There is no anticipated need for interaction with international actors where English would be required.

- In conclusion, given the local focus of this consultancy, the needs of the work team and beneficiaries, as well as the deliverables to be produced, the use of English is not necessary for the development of this consultancy.


14. Monitoring and Progress Controls
To ensure the quality of work throughout the consultancy, the following measures will be implemented:

Work Plan and Initial Deliverables
- Report Requirement: A detailed work plan, including methodology and timeline, to be submitted within one week of the consultancy start.
- Performance Indicator: Timely submission and approval by the project management team.

Development of the Guide/Manual
- Progress Reports: Monthly narrative reports detailing advancements, challenges, and next steps, with the completed guide/manual due within three months.
- Impact Indicator: Effectiveness measured by feedback from staff and beneficiaries.

Technical Working Group Meetings
- Meeting Documentation: Minutes and reports submitted after each session.
Delivery Date: November 2024.
Performance Indicator: Progress in incorporating new methodologies.

Training Sessions for Casa Joven Staff
Reports: Session reports and materials for five training sessions.
Delivery Date: November 2024 and January-February 2025.
Performance Indicator: Increased capacity, assessed by pre- and post-training evaluations.

Advisory Support for Collaboration Teams
Reports: Monthly advisory reports with feedback from teams.
Performance Indicator: Number of consultations and timely feedback.
Workshops with Youth
Reports: Documentation of at least five workshops, including attendance and feedback.
Delivery Date: October to January.
Impact Indicator: Youth engagement, assessed by participation and surveys.

Systematization of the Process
Reports: Monthly systematization reports.
Final Deadline: February 2025.
Performance Indicator: Integration into the final deliverable.

Follow-up Meetings and Progress Reports
Reports: Follow-up meetings every 15 days, with monthly progress reports summarizing activities and milestones.
Performance Indicator: Compliance with timelines and the work plan.

Final Consultancy Report
Report: Comprehensive final report, including all activities and results.
Delivery Date: Second week of February 2025.
Performance Indicator: Quality and completeness as evaluated by stakeholders.


Standard Job Description

Required Languages



Desired Languages



Additional Qualifications




Work Experience

Other information

n/aThis position doesn't require a functional clearance


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