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  • Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
  • Location: kiribati
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Statistics
    • Environment
    • Climate Change
  • Closing Date: 2024-09-26



The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page. 


Kiribati, a vulnerable Small Island Developing State in the Pacific region, faces significant challenges due to the adverse impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise, coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion, and extreme weather events. Recognizing the urgent need to enhance adaptive capacity and resilience, Kiribati seeks to access the Adaptation Fund Readiness Package Grant to receive peer support from an accredited implementing entity to apply for accreditation to the Fund and to build national readiness and institutional capacities for effective adaptation planning and implementation of Adaptation Fund (AF) projects.

GGGI is mobilising additional resources to undertake a preliminary assessment of Kiribati's potential entities to be nominated for the Adaptation Fund accreditation. This assessment will include reviewing existing capacities, policies and organisational structures, as well as identifying gaps to be addressed, in order for the nominated entity to proceed with the accreditation process.

The output of the Consultant will assist the Government of Kiribati through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFED) to assess the nominating a national implementing entity or entities for the Adaptation Fund’s climate finance readiness activities through the Adaptation Fund Readiness Grant Package.



The objective of the assignment is to assess the capacity and readiness of potential National Implementing Entity (entities) in Kiribati and identify a nominated entity to proceed with accreditation to the Adaptation Fund. Through the endorsement of the Designed Authority in Kiribati, qualified government agencies, private sector entities and non-government organisations will be approached as part of the capacity assessment.

The consultant will assess the nominated National Implementing Entity (NIE or entities) by using the Adaptation Fund accreditation Standards/practices. This will include a review of each entity in terms of its policies, processes, practices and organisational structure to provide financial management, project management, anti-corruption, and compliance with Adaptation Fund standards and policies, including gender, environmental and social safeguards. The assessment will also determine gaps and capacity that need to be addressed and provide recommendations to the Government of Kiribati on the potential for an entity to be nominated for accreditation to the Adaptation Fund.



The Global Green Growth Institute requires the services of a qualified consultant to be the “Adaptation Fund Gap Assessment Consultant” (hereafter referred to as “the Consultant”) for the Designated Authority (DA) of Adaptation Fund in Kiribati. The consultant shall work under the guidance of the DA (MFED provides the technical assistance to the DA) and GGGI team with the following scope:




Introductory Meetings and information access


Virtual introductory meetings with key organisations and mapping of the entities


Develop the methodology to approach the work 


Provide work schedule and work plan


Access to inventory of policies/plans/regulations of the selected entities


Prepare discussion points/survey questionnaire


Provide inception report for GGGI review 


Institutional Capacity Assessment Review


Governance and Leadership: Assessment of the NIE's governance structure and decision-making processes


Human Resources: Evaluation of organisation structure, staff count, capacity, skills and roles.


Alignment with AF’s NIE's objectives.




Financial Management Assessment review


Financial Policies and Procedures


Budgeting and Reporting practices


Audit and other Compliance practices


Money laundering and terrorism funding


Alignment with AF’s NIE's objectives.


Gaps identified and recommendations


Project Management Capacity review


Project Design and Planning processes review


Implementation and Monitoring




Risk mitigations


Alignment with AF’s NIE's objectives.


Gaps identified and recommendations


Environmental, Gender and Social Safeguards review


Review of related policies


Recommend the appropriate governance,


Assessment of stakeholder engagement


Gaps identified and recommendations


Compliance Review against Adaptation Fund Standards


Assess entities' policies and regulations against AF Framework


Assess entities' quality assurance, anti-corruption, investigations against AF Framework


Gaps identified and recommendations


Capacity Building and Training Review


Current Capacity Building practices


Training needs assessment


Gaps identified and recommendations


The Consultant will report to the GGGI Kiribati and the Kiribati Climate Finance Division.

The consultant is responsible for delivering the following deliverables:



Payment Terms

% and Amount


'Delivered 'Inception Report with note summary, methodology plan, entities'  stakeholder mapping and review of policies  (Tasks.1.1-1.6)

2 weeks after signing contract and report submission

25 %

(USD 4,940)


'Submit Report: Governance and FM assessment reviews,  findings, with Gaps and Recommendations


2 weeks -on report submission

 25 %

(USD 4,940)


'Submit assessments of Tasks 4,5,6 and 7 findings with gaps and recommendations



2.5 weeks duration. On report submission

 30 %

(USD 5,928)


Final report

Submit consolidated Final Report for review

'Completed and submitted Final report

Presentation deck of the assessment findings.

1.5 weeks duration. On report submission

 20 %

(USD 3,952)


  • The Consultant is to provide his/her own equipment to produce all deliverables.
  • The Consultant shall submit the report in electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application with compliance to GGGI fonts etc
  • All outputs must be in English.
  • Final deliverables must be approved by GGGI and the Climate Finance Division in the MFED. The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed to provide a final version of the deliverable in a timely manner.    



The Consultant is expected to have the following qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in economics, finance, public management, development studies, or other relevant studies.
  • At least 8 years of experience in developing and conducting institutional or governance analysis, especially related to the identification of needs for capacity building in standards and governance of organisations working in climate change or climate finance.
  • Demonstrated experience in assessing institutional policies and frameworks in either the NGO, the private sector or semi-government agencies.
  • A strong understanding of the institutional accreditation process and requirements, understanding of the GCF or AF accreditation process and requirements, policies and legal frameworks.
  • Demonstrated understanding of institutional standards, polices and regulations in Kiribati or the Pacific region.
  • Proven ability to communicate clearly and effectively in written reports and other publications; previous writing examples might be requested.
  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal and motivational skills and sensitivity to the local environment as well as the ability to work with minimal supervision.
  • Demonstrated ability to build collaborative working relationships with government counterparts.
  • Demonstrated capacity to facilitate in-depth, outcome-oriented, stakeholder dialogues.
  • Ability to lead and work effectively with people from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.
  • Maturity and professional ability to handle sensitive information and ability to respect the confidentiality of such information while working with GGGI even after the contract ends.



In order to be considered for the position, the candidate must meet the minimum qualifications listed below. Consideration and selection will be based on a panel evaluation of the evaluation criteria factor below. Please note that only shortlisted/finalist applicants will be interviewed or contacted. GGGI does not pay for any expenses associated with the interviews unless expenses are pre-authorized. Reference checks will be conducted on those candidates selected for an interview. The applicant’s references must be able to provide substantive information about his/her past performance and abilities.

Interviews and a writing exercise may be requested. Applicants are required to prepare a brief narrative demonstrating how prior experience and/or education and training address selection criteria factors listed below:

  1. Professional Competency (20 points): Master’s degree or higher, in economics, accounting, finance, public management, development studies, or other relevant studies.
  2. Experience (30 points): Minimum 8 years of experience in developing and conducting institutional or governance analysis. Experience working in the Pacific.
  3. Communication (10 points): Oral and writing ability in English.
  4. Technical Knowledge (40 points): A Strong understanding of the institutional accreditation process and requirements, understanding of the GCF or AF accreditation process and requirements is a must, with a good understanding of climate change, gender issues, environment and social safeguard issues in Kiribati or the Pacific region.

Maximum Points Available: 100

At GGGI’s discretion, reference checks and interviews may be conducted as part of the evaluation process.

Applicants must also include in their application package as follows:

  1. A cover letter of no more than 3 pages that demonstrates how the candidate’s qualifications meet the work requirements;
  2. A curriculum vitae which, at a minimum, describes education, latest experience and career achievements;
  3. Names, current and accurate contract numbers (email and phone) of three professional references that have knowledge of the applicant’s abilities to perform the terms of the reference.

All of the above information must be included in the application package in order for the package to be considered complete.

Date to close is 11.59PM 26 September, 2024 Korean Standard Time (KST).

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered and application’s Cover Letter, and CV must be sent in English. A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.


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Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization's page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.
Before applying, please make sure that you have read the requirements for the position and that you qualify.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.