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UN University Volunteer on HIV & Young Key Population


  • Organization: UNV - United Nations Volunteers
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • HIV and AIDS
    • Population matters (trends and census)
    • Volunteerism
  • Closing Date: Closed


Mission and objectives

UNAIDS is leading the global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNAIDS generates strategic information and analysis that increases the understanding of the state of the AIDS epidemic and progress made at the local, national, regional and global levels. It leads the world’s most extensive data collection on HIV epidemiology, programme coverage and finance and publishes the most authoritative and up-to-date information on the HIV epidemic—vital for an effective AIDS response. UNAIDS produces data for impact—no major report, speech or policy initiative on HIV has been launched or made without referring to data collected and released by UNAIDS. The UNAIDS Secretariat has offices in 70 countries, with 70% of its staff based in the field, and has a budget of US$ 140 million for 2018. The budget for the Joint Programme for 2018 is US$ 242 million.


UNAIDS serves as the lead coordinating body for international development partners in the HIV response, bringing together expertise from the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS and other technical agencies in supporting the government of Indonesia to reach the 95-95-95 targets. With support from PEPFAR and DFAT, UNAIDS works to provide technical assistance for the National AIDS Program to maximize the investment made by the Global Fund, PEPFAR, DFAT and other development partners toward achieving 95-95-95 in Indonesia. Indonesia’s Ministry of Health (MoH) has committed to reaching the 95-95-95 testing and treatment targets by 2030 in line with SDG Goal 3 targets. HIV treatment acceleration aims to reach 75 percent treatment coverage by 2026, adding 210,000 new patients to the approximately 180,000 people already receiving treatment by the end of 2022. However, access to HIV prevention remains a challenge especially among key populations. With a concentrated HIV epidemic, Indonesia has seen a continued increase of new HIV infections among key populations that include MSM, transgender, sex workers and people who use drugs. Almost half of new HIV infections are found among young key population. The assignment on HIV & Young Key Population is part of UNAIDS effort to address gaps in reaching young key population with HIV related services.

Task description

The UN University Volunteer on HIV & Young Key Population has the following duties under the assignment: • Support youth-led advocacy to promote greater access to HIV related services for young key population, • Support efforts to mainstream young key population programme under the national key population programme, especially liaising closely with GF PRs working on key population programme, • Build up and strengthen strategic partnerships and coordination among youth networks and key stakeholders to facilitate the participation of young key populations and policy change, • Support youth-led monitoring and research processes to generate strategic information for advocacy.

This vacancy is now closed.